Azure Windows 

Powershell: How to connect to Microsoft Cloud Services like Az, AzureAD, Exchange, Teams

When I was working with Microsoft Azure Services, I started listing important commands which can be handy using PowerShell, so here I am publishing in my blog article below.

Prerequisites before starting:

Tools needed: Run the below commands in PowerShell to install the tool.

  1. Az: Install-Module Az -Force -AllowClobber
  2. AzureAD: Install-Module AzureAD -Force -AllowClobber
  3. ExchangeOnlineManagement: Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force -AllowClobber
  4. Microsoft Teams: Install-Module MSTeams -Force -AllowClobber

step #1: Before proceeding further Check weather required modules are installed using below command:

Get-InstalledModule -Name Az,AzureAD,ExchangeOnlineManagement,MSTeams | 
Select-Object -Property Version,Name,Repository,InstalledLocation

Step #2: Store account credentials in a variable

$accountz = Get-Credential -Credential <> 
$account365 = Get-Credential -Credential <>

Below are the commands you can use to connect

Azure Cloud

Connect-AzAccount -Credential $accountz

Microsoft 365 Azure AD

Connect-AzureAD -Credential $account365

Microsoft 365 Exchange Online



Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $account365

I hope will commands will help . If you have any problem comment down below.

Also Read:  How to host SignalR with SSL/https or adding new port to SSL

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